Unwritten Business Advice

“The Honesty Curve”: Deciding Who to Trust When Getting Feedback/Advice

Not all people are as truthful as you think…   “Listen to your customers” is one of the most oft-repeated mantras in the business world. It’s well established common sense, almost to the point that we roll our eyes when we hear it. Everyone knows that getting regular customer feedback is vital to building a product

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Finding Herbie: The Secret to Eliminating Business Bottlenecks

Find the “slowest hiker” in your operation. Then lighten their pack. The payoff is enormous.   There’s a strange paradox in business operations: if you let the slowest person set the pace for the entire team, you’ll actually be more successful than letting everyone run at their full speed. Let me explain. The Legend of

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Why the Robots May Not Be Ushering in the End of the World Any Time Soon

We should believe that new tech will change the world, but remember that it may not be in the way or time we think. Just ask the Gartner Hype Cycle.   Is “the Matrix” Around the Corner? I’m not an expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) by any means, but I’ve seen so much being discussed

Why the Robots May Not Be Ushering in the End of the World Any Time Soon Read More »

How to Stay Relevant in Your Career, Such as Embracing ChatGPT

How you embrace technology can have a lasting impact on your career   Here’s five real quotes about technology that make me laugh: “The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys.” – Sir William Preece, Chief Engineer of the British Post Office, 1878. “Everything that can be

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