
The Law of Reciprocity in Business

Hammurabi’s code, a collection of 282 laws and standards published in 1760 BC, lists crimes and their various punishments, as well as guidelines for citizens’

The Million Dollar Question

If you had an opportunity to earn $1M in two years, would you take it? No brainer right? Actually, here’s why we think you shouldn’t…

The 2-Minute Rule in Business

Imagine: A Slack message pops up while you’re working on a report. You glance at it and think “I’ll respond later”. Five minutes later, another

Just Pick Up the Phone

Why so many messy situations could be avoided if we simply called instead of texted   A Weekend Getaway Disaster     My wife and

A Letter to Our Children

How to be more deliberate at leaving something lasting for your children   What Do You Wish Your Parents Did?  What relics do you have

Wooden Shoes vs. Silk Slippers

What we can learn from Genghis Khan, Google’s CEO, and Kobe Bryant about when to “step on the gas” vs. “take it easy”   The

Finding “Point Z”

Too many of us simply “take the best offer” in our careers. This isn’t a terrible strategy, except for the fact that it risks delaying

Regrets About My College Major

When I was an Impostor Engineer… One of the things that surprises people most when they learn about my past education + work experience is

My 3 Worst Business Mistakes

3 stories about discovering my values, not sending that email, and prioritizing people; all learned the hard way   We all make mistakes, and I’ve

Don’t Be An Email Ghost

Mastering email/Slack courtesy for a happier inbox and smoother communication   Ah, the wonderful world of email, where electronic pigeons deliver messages instead of fluttering

The Intentional Career

Most of us choose our profession by happenstance; here’s how to take control   How Most People Get Their First Jobs  Having taught at a

Living with Disappointment

How to deal with disappointment from coworkers, everyday life, and friends/family   Christmas Eve 1995 I vividly remember a Christmas Eve night when I was

The Ozymandias Principle

The Greatest Poem I’ve Ever Read   In 1817, Victorian London was abuzz with excitement. Rumors had reached the city that an enormous statue of a long-forgotten

6 Books that Changed Our Lives

Here’s a Few of Our All-Time Favorite Reads   I recently came across a beautiful quote on the value of reading from a Japanese author

When to Leave Your Job

Why Staying in a Job for More than 7 Years Can Be Damaging   There’s all of the expected reasons to leave a job –

9 Tips on How to Hire Like a Pro

When Marriage Advice meets HR Strategy   13 years ago I was chatting with a mentor and unexpectedly found myself getting some unsolicited advice on

When Efficiency Kills Innovation

Balancing innovation and efficiency can be devilishly tricky. Just ask 3M.   If you ask any business leader whether they should invest in innovation or

The Downsides of “Pre-Wiring”

Last week we published an article on “Pre-Wiring” – The Art of Getting Stakeholder Buy-In, and were blown away with the discussions that happened afterwards. As

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