
A Run at the 2034 Olympics: Lessons from Starting a Curling Team
A few months ago I was on 17-mile mountain run with my friend Josh, and while climbing up a steep ravine we were discussing our

The Productivity Illusion: Why Our Ideal Schedules Never Match Reality
We asked 400+ people the following question: Thinking about your day yesterday, during your waking hours how much time (in hours) did you spend in

The Law of Reciprocity in Business
Hammurabi’s code, a collection of 282 laws and standards published in 1760 BC, lists crimes and their various punishments, as well as guidelines for citizens’

Pay for the Forest. Not the Trees
Why we need to avoid being “penny wise, but pound foolish” in our major life strategy decisions Earlier in my career I was in

The Million Dollar Question
If you had an opportunity to earn $1M in two years, would you take it? No brainer right? Actually, here’s why we think you shouldn’t…

The Most Valuable 20 Minutes of My Day
My personal secret for staying productive every day = a simple ritual that clarifies tomorrow before it even begins The Most Important Thing on

The 2-Minute Rule in Business
Imagine: A Slack message pops up while you’re working on a report. You glance at it and think “I’ll respond later”. Five minutes later, another

Should You Take That Dream Trip? (A Rebuttal…)
Imagine you were offered a trip of a lifetime. 3 years to see the world. All expenses paid. Would you take it? A few months

The Perfect Cover Letter & Why You Should Never Write One
The cover letter that landed a mediocre student his Dream job, why you shouldn’t write cover letters, and the perfect template to use (if you

The Importance of “Shallow Work”
Traditional wisdom states that to be successful we should always be working on “needle moving” projects. But that’s not how life is designed…

$79,680: The Average Cost to Miss a Child’s Birthday
The average American would need to be paid $79,680 to miss their child’s birthday. Outside of these people willing to trade off money for a

Being Content with Your Current Situation
Sometimes “staying where you are” professionally is actually the right move, even when the “greener grass” beckons… I absolutely loathe being sick. I’m the

Feeling Burned Out? This Study Has 99% Confidence that It’s Not Just You.
If you’re feeling overworked, like you’re spending too much time on your phone, or that you’re not exercising enough, we’ve got stories for you!

The Surprisingly Best Leadership Advice I Ever Received…
A quick story about how the best business leadership principle I ever received came from a religious leader in Africa… I was recently chatting

Should You Take That “Dream Trip”?
Should You Travel the World or Stay at Home? Here’s a scenario to consider: Today an acquaintance called you up with an amazing opportunity to

How to Bomb Your Next Informational Interview
2 easy (and proven) steps that can ruin any informational interview. Results guaranteed. My Michael Scott Moment… Back in 2015 I had just been

The Unwritten Guide to Earning Extra Income: How a Simple Side Job Can Change Everything
My Accidental Side Job I had been working for a number of years in marketing and got a call from a former coworker, asking me

Needle in a Haystack: How to Find Customer Insights in B2B Companies
The Proverbial “Needle in the Haystack”… Back when I lived in Boston, I became acquainted with a leading partner at Bain & Company, one of

The Secret Life of a Management Consultant
When I was in the middle of my MBA program in 2018, I decided that I wanted to do something most of my peers didn’t

How These 6 Books Inspired Us To Change Our Lives (And Why You Should Read Them)
We know this may be the only non-Halloween article in your inbox today, and that’s kind of the point! We hope you come away from

Bleeding Nipples and Business Lessons: How I Survived My First Marathon and Internship
Heat, Chafing, and Dry Heaving Before and after Jason’s first marathon As I dry heaved on a sidewalk full of spectators, with a missing toenail

Time to Quit Your Job? Use the 7 Year Framework.
There’s all of the expected reasons to leave a job – a bad work environment, lackluster boss, salary, you’re not challenged, etc. But there’s

When the Boss Doesn’t Respond…
Many of us have had (or will have) a manager who is a poor communicator at some point in our career. How do you avoid

The Unwritten Guide on How to Become an Expert in Your Space
How do you take the same intense interest you have for hobbies and apply it to your job? Confessions of a Former Fire Juggler…

Just Pick Up the Phone
Why so many messy situations could be avoided if we simply called instead of texted A Weekend Getaway Disaster My wife and

Confessions of a Juggling Club President: Finding Your Place in College
How to make the most of your college experience, avoid being lonely, and why you should prioritize professors over class subjects Confession Time: I

Should You Go to College? Maybe Not.
The value of college varies by person, here’s a framework to consider Every year in the US, 20M students attend college classes. That’s 8%

A Letter to Our Children
How to be more deliberate at leaving something lasting for your children What Do You Wish Your Parents Did? What relics do you have

Everyone is Struggling, Including Your Coworkers
A story of struggling with loss and starting a new job + lessons learned on how to be more empathetic RIP Spencer Murdoch I

Wooden Shoes vs. Silk Slippers
What we can learn from Genghis Khan, Google’s CEO, and Kobe Bryant about when to “step on the gas” vs. “take it easy” The

Finding “Point Z”
Too many of us simply “take the best offer” in our careers. This isn’t a terrible strategy, except for the fact that it risks delaying

Why Every Business Leader Should Consider Adjunct Teaching (with a crazy story)
My Crazy Teaching Moment On an exceptionally cold April day back in 2019 I was at work and got a call from Brigham Young University

The Eisenhower Matrix: making sense of your chaotic “to do” list
Every Friday @ 5:30pm I do the exact same thing. I open up Apple Notes and read through my “Task Backlog”. My “Task Backlog” is

Regrets About My College Major
When I was an Impostor Engineer… One of the things that surprises people most when they learn about my past education + work experience is

The Legend of Going to Taco Bell: How to Not Quit Your Job
Have you ever been in a job where you’ve wanted nothing more than to walk out the door and never come back? Most people have

The Unwritten Guide on How to Die with Zero
One of my neighbors worked his whole life and dreamed of retiring and finally buying a boat. He retired, bought his dream boat, and then

How Wine, a Spider, and a Special Wooden Bridge Saved France: Why the Small Things Matter in Business
When Good Food > Big Armies In 1475, Edward IV, King of England, landed on the coast of France with an army of 13,000 men. His

6 Essential Steps of an Info Interview + A Walkthrough to Use on Your Next One
I was just starting an MBA program and had a goal to do 10 info interviews per week. An info interview is an informational interview

The Cobra Effect: What It Is, and How to Avoid It
Delhi, India 1858 When the British troops entered India in 1858, they had an oddly specific (but very serious) problem with the wildlife there. Cobras

The Diderot Effect: When New Things Can (Accidentally) Make Us Unhappy
When a Red Robe Leads to Trouble… In 1765, the renowned French philosopher Denis Diderot had a serious problem: His daughter was about to be married. Normally

5 Books We Think About Every Day
A good book can change your life. We have been deeply impacted by what we have read, and recently were discussing books that have truly

Stories from Creating a Business Bucket List (Part 2)
Sell a company, make someone a millionaire, or be an Uber driver…what should be on your list? A Business Bucket List A few weeks

How Starbucks Dominated the Market with Completely Mediocre Coffee
“At all costs, avoid competing in an industry where your product is just a commodity”. Those words (or variants of them) are spoken in nearly

My 12 Business Bucket List Items (Part 1)
A Business Bucket List Here’s a screenshot of my business bucket list. It’s a mix of ambition, curiosity, and a little bit of crazy. These

7 Quick Tips for Onboarding a New Team Member
Most of you know that a few weeks ago Jason made the leap to work with me at Weave. It’s been a blast so far (and

S, M, or L? – Picking the Right Company Size for Your Career
The Trouble with Optionality Over the past several years, I’ve done quite a few “info interviews” with MBA or undergrad business students who want to

Why You Should Create an Intern Position this Year
My History with Interns Full disclosure: I have a soft spot for interns. Perhaps it’s because I have had 4 internships that deeply impacted my

How a Simple 2X2 Matrix Saved the World’s Most Valuable Company
“What would I do? I’d shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders” That was the blunt and bleak answer Michael

The Unwritten Guide to Numbers: Why Comparing to Mount Everest is More Interesting than 29,031 Feet
Numbers Matter. Here’s How to Use Them More Effectively. The Stickiness of Comparisons: Peru vs Texas Rapid fire: what is more sticky? A) We lost 25%

The Job Experience Paradox
A Puzzle to Solve… A few weeks ago, I was chatting with a friend who is looking to make a jump in his career. He

Why Teams Need to Run in Sprints, from a Marathon Runner
Sprints vs Marathons This last year I ran my first ultramarathon. It was 50 kilometers (32 miles) of mostly fun, mixed with some pain and

6 Ways to Make Business Travel Actually Fun
The Wine Experiment A little over a year ago I was in Los Angeles at a bougie restaurant with coworkers who all claimed they were

“I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”
Why We’re (Often) Behind and What We Can Do About It One of the (few) perks of having a ~45-minute commute to work is that

The Unwritten Guide to Managing Up
Jill: An Expert at Managing Up Let me tell you about my former coworker, Jill. I hired her as a consumer insights & strategy intern

“When You’re Home, Be Home”
“From Out of the Mouth of Babes”… A few weeks ago I was eating dinner with my family when I made a mistake. It had

We Wrote an Article Every Week for a Year. Here’s What We Learned.
The Backstory Austin and I have always wanted to work together. We have similar careers in strategy and shared aspirations to one day write

Breaking Up is Hard to Do: How to Fire Someone with Grace
An Unpleasant Topic A few weeks ago one of our readers sent in the following question: “How do you fire someone when it’s not

When You Should Quit a Stable Job to Go Back to School
Deciding on a graduate degree, a horror GMAT story, and how to live off no income Many people wonder when (or if) they should

Using Personal Prototyping to Make Big Life Decisions
The key to defeating “Analysis Paralysis” is to run a series of very low-cost experiments that will reveal to us how we actually feel about

The Job Interview Formula & How to Talk About Salary
Interviewing doesn’t have to be scary, especially if you follow the formula I had a good friend reach out and set up a mock

13 Principles for Becoming the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For (And Escaping “Mid-Level Manager Hell”)
Finding a good boss to work for is one of the best career moves you can make. So what do you do when you’re finally

Getting Over Career Heartbreak
Most of us have had a crushing job experience at least once in our lives. Here’s mine (and what I learned from it) Feb

My 3 Worst Business Mistakes
3 stories about discovering my values, not sending that email, and prioritizing people; all learned the hard way We all make mistakes, and I’ve

The Unwritten Guide to Getting Promoted: How to Plan Your Next Promotion in 2 Hours
The 5 surprisingly easy steps in getting a new title and pay raise I once had an employee who was amazing. She did everything

Don’t Be An Email Ghost
Mastering email/Slack courtesy for a happier inbox and smoother communication Ah, the wonderful world of email, where electronic pigeons deliver messages instead of fluttering

The Unwritten Guide to Resume Writing: How to Rewrite Your Resume in 61 Minutes
The 6 steps of rewriting your resume to land your dream job Resumes are the necessary evil of the business world. It’s like traffic

The Henry Ford Principle: When It’s Okay to be the Dumbest Person in the Room
Many of us feel a deep sense of “Imposter Syndrome” because we don’t know everything. The good news is that you don’t have to.

The Unwritten Guide to Taking a Company Public: Behind the Scenes of Traeger’s IPO
A walk through the massive workload, loneliness, and triumph of taking a company public I had always wanted to take a company public. I

The Unwritten Guide to Job Searching: How to Find a New Job in 8 Hours
Need to find a new role (quickly)? This step-by-step guide shows how to find your next job ASAP Job Searching Can Be Painful Job

Why Choosing Your Boss Is Probably Your Best Career Strategy
What being a “free agent” consultant taught me about the importance of choosing who to work for Intro Earlier in my career, I spent

Why Gratitude and Credit Matter in Business
If you want to craft a successful team & culture, start by giving credit where credit is due The Perils of Holding Credit Too

How to Plan & Run an Executive Team Offsite
Teams benefit from going offsite to recharge and plan the future. This is how to run one. How Offsites Propel Growth My company was

A practical guide on what to do AFTER a meeting so that you don’t end up running a session that looks like a “Dilbert Cartoon”

The Intentional Career
Most of us choose our profession by happenstance; here’s how to take control How Most People Get Their First Jobs Having taught at a

Feedback Unleashed: The Art of Giving & Receiving Hard Feedback
How to give feedback in a thoughtful, actionable, and timely way Feedback: A CEO’s Story In my last job I worked closely with Jeremy

A practical guide on what to do DURING a meeting so that you don’t end up running a session that looks like a “Dilbert Cartoon”

Prioritizing Reading as a Busy Adult
Why you should delete your podcast app and switch to books My Wife Reads 100 Books Per Year Let me tell you about my

“The Unwritten Guide to Running Meetings that Don’t Stink” (Part I)
A practical guide on what to do BEFORE a meeting so that you don’t end up running a session that looks like a “Dilbert Cartoon”

The True Cost of the “Dilbert Meeting”
When we realize how much meetings actually cost, it should completely change how we think about them The Meeting from Hades Let me tell

Living with Disappointment
How to deal with disappointment from coworkers, everyday life, and friends/family Christmas Eve 1995 I vividly remember a Christmas Eve night when I was

The Ozymandias Principle
The Greatest Poem I’ve Ever Read In 1817, Victorian London was abuzz with excitement. Rumors had reached the city that an enormous statue of a long-forgotten

A Real Day of a Marketing VP, Professor, Husband, and Father of 4 Young Children
A simple mind shift that can help you improve your relationship with your spouse This was a hard article for me to write. Not

Why Dinner at 6pm Matters More Than I Thought
A simple mind shift that can help you improve your relationship with your spouse This was a hard article for me to write. Not

Helping Your Spouse Understand Your Career
How to have better conversations that give insight into the nuances of your job The Dilemma I married a nurse. I’m a marketer. Our

“The Honesty Curve”: Deciding Who to Trust When Getting Feedback/Advice
Not all people are as truthful as you think… “Listen to your customers” is one of the most oft-repeated mantras in the business world. It’s

Why You Should Send Pie After an Interview
Sending a pie after an interview is the cherry on top of your application. I had just been flown out for an interview and

Finding Herbie: The Secret to Eliminating Business Bottlenecks
Find the “slowest hiker” in your operation. Then lighten their pack. The payoff is enormous. There’s a strange paradox in business operations: if you

6 Books that Changed Our Lives
Here’s a Few of Our All-Time Favorite Reads I recently came across a beautiful quote on the value of reading from a Japanese author

When to Leave Your Job
Why Staying in a Job for More than 7 Years Can Be Damaging There’s all of the expected reasons to leave a job –

Why the Robots May Not Be Ushering in the End of the World Any Time Soon
We should believe that new tech will change the world, but remember that it may not be in the way or time we think. Just

Project Scope Tools with Examples
The Worst Project I’ve Ever Worked On Let me tell you about the worst project I ever worked on: I was assigned to work

9 Tips on How to Hire Like a Pro
When Marriage Advice meets HR Strategy 13 years ago I was chatting with a mentor and unexpectedly found myself getting some unsolicited advice on

How to Stay Relevant in Your Career, Such as Embracing ChatGPT
How you embrace technology can have a lasting impact on your career Here’s five real quotes about technology that make me laugh: “The Americans

When Efficiency Kills Innovation
Balancing innovation and efficiency can be devilishly tricky. Just ask 3M. If you ask any business leader whether they should invest in innovation or

How to Start a Side Hustle Consulting
The Easiest Way to Get Started doing a Side Consulting Job I had been working for a number of years in marketing and got

The Downsides of “Pre-Wiring”
Last week we published an article on “Pre-Wiring” – The Art of Getting Stakeholder Buy-In, and were blown away with the discussions that happened afterwards. As

“Pre-Wiring” – The Art of Getting Stakeholder Buy-In
Some Unexpected Advice… Several years ago, I was chatting with a friend / mentor of mine (someone who had spent years as a management consultant

Board-Room Ready: How to Improve Your Presentations in 3 Simple Steps
I’m going to just say it – most presentations are boring. They’re usually a little ugly, not relevant for everyone, and little action is taken

Stop (Unintentionally) Stressing Out Your Team
Is this the most anxiety inducing message of all time? Take a quick look at this slack message below. Assume it’s from your boss. Did

Becoming an Adjunct Professor and Holding a Day Job (with a crazy story)
On an exceptionally cold April day back in 2019 I was at work and got a call from Brigham Young University (BYU). I taught there

Work/Life Balance is a False Notion
The Four Burner Paradox “In order to be successful you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful

Building Your Personal Board of Directors
Companies have them; why shouldn’t you? I have been using a personal board of directors for years and can’t imagine my life and career without

Rocket Ships & Race Cars: The Dangers of Anchoring on Incomplete Data
Intro: Beware the Data One of the things we’re taught (by mistake) in school is to trust the completeness of data that the teacher throws

5 Ways to Tell Better Stories with Data
How Winetasting and Storytelling with Data Intersect Recently I went out to dinner with some coworkers and they were talking about wine, expounding on the

How to Rock Your Year End Performance Review
What’s the big deal about Year End (YE)? One of the questions I get asked often by co-workers is “how to do well at their